Bully Statistics 2016-2017
- 15% off all bullying is cyber bullying
- 63% of bullying victims do not report it
- 160k students stay home everyday to avoid bullys
- 25% off all kids are bullied by other children in school
- 2016 saw a 7% increase in bullying from 2015

Bullying statistics in 2017 show a definite rise in reported incidents of bullying, including cyberbullying. Unfortunately, statistics do not include children too afraid to speak out. Bullying is a nationwide problem.
Bullying Statistics
Although bullying has been a problem for decades, the National Bullying Prevention Center reports a 7% increase in reported cases, since the U.S. Department of Education began tracking bullying in 2005. An additional 15% are victims of cyber attacks. Researchers estimate that 64% of students will not report bullying.
Suicide and Bullying
The news has reported suicides related to bullying. According to stopbullying.gov., the issue is more complex. Although bullying may contribute to an individual’s suicidal tendencies, most bullied children choose alternate escapes from a bully.
Bullying may simply be the tipping point of an at-risk individual. A child with suicidal tendencies may be dealing with other issues like:
- Low Self-Esteem
- Gender Identification
- Anxiety
- Depression
Assuming bullying is the sole cause of suicidal tendencies can be dangerous. Additional emotionally charged issues must be addressed.
School Bullying and Absenteeism
Bullying predominately happens at school. The American Society for the Positive Care of Children reports school absentee rates are strongly related to bullying. Approximately 160,000 students, per day, avoid school bullies by staying home.
Students suffering from frequent headaches or stomachaches may be the victims of school bullying. If no medical correlation is found, parents and school personnel need to consider potential bullying. Anxiety associated with bullying can present as physical illness.
Bullying may also explain a rise in truancy and drop-out rates. Children “playing hooky” may be simply avoiding confrontation with a bully. Frequent truancy ultimately leads to legal problems for child and guardian. Unless bullying is addressed and dealt with, authorities may be called in, assuming the child is a delinquent or the parents unfit.
Types of Bullying
The Ambassadors for Kids Club states that 1 in 4 kids are bullied. However, it goes much deeper than extorting lunch money or name-calling.
Bullies attack by several means, such as:
- Cyber
- Mental
- Verbal
- Physical
A common place for a bully to attack is the restroom. Generally peers and educators are not witness to bullying. Thus, the victim lives in fear of the next occurrence. Reporting bullying can also lead to later retaliation, so victims tend to remain silent. Bullies often have “followers”, so there is little chance of fighting back to stop bullying.
In summary, bulling statistics in 2017 show a rise in all types of bullying. Bullying can contribute to suicidal thoughts and absenteeism from school. Truancy and student drop-out rates may also be a result of bullying. For further information, visit: